Safe Chemical Storage: Role and Strategies of SolidBlue Engineering

Safe Chemical Storage: Role and Strategies of SolidBlue Engineering

In the industrial environment, the safe storage of chemical materials is a critical factor in protecting both human resources and the natural environment. Through its wide range of consulting services, SolidBlue Engineering ensures that its clients’ business processes and activities comply with the strictest environmental standards and safety regulations.

The Need for Safe Storage

Chemical products such as solvents, acids, and flammable substances require special handling and storage to prevent hazardous situations (leaks, ignitions). Improper storage of such materials can lead to serious environmental accidents or even human casualties.

Safe Chemical Handling & Storage Strategies by SolidBlue Engineering 

  • Proper handling and storage: Establishing an appropriate framework for storing compatible chemical substances in the same area while avoiding the coexistence of substances that could cause reactions if mixed.
  • Design of Storage Spaces: Designing warehouses that meet the strictest environmental requirements, fully complying with health and safety at work issues.

  • Training and Education: Offering continuous training programs to employees for the proper handling and storage of chemicals.

  • Environmental Compliance and Legislation. Implementation of Environmental Case Studies, Explosion Protection Document (ATEX Study), Safety Study/Notification File (Ministerial Decision 172058/2016 – alignment with Seveso III).
  • Provision of services by a Safe Transport Advisor for the Road & Rail Transport of Dangerous Goods (Ministerial Decision 200035/2023 (Government Gazette 4101/B` 23.6.2023, ADR Directive).

The Added Value of Steady Cooperation

A long-term partnership with a specialized company like SolidBlue Engineering can reduce costs and increase efficiency in managing environmental obligations as well as compliance with Occupational Health & Safety legislation. The company’s experience and expertise enable faster and more effective study preparation and continuous updates for clients on new legislative requirements.